IRB Members

An Institutional Review Board (IRB) comprises a committee that reviews and approves research involving human subjects. The purpose of the IRB is to ensure that all human subject research will be conducted in accordance with legal, institutional, and professional ethical guidelines. The IRB committee consists of 14 internal members from different disciplines who are faculty and researchers within Ashoka University, and two experts from outside Ashoka (including a medical and a legal expert). The committee is headed by a Chair and Co-chair who responsible for overall supervision. The committee is assisted by the Member Secretary. Each IRB member from Ashoka serves for three years, on average, with some members serving for briefer or longer periods. 

Core Committee

Chair: Bhrigupati Singh, Sociology and Anthropology

Co-Chair: Gautam Menon, Physics & Biology

Member Secretary: Aastha

Internal Members

Swargajyoti Gohain, Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Dipin Kaur, Department of Political Science and International Relations

Srijita Ghosh, Department of Economics

Madhvilatha Maganti, Department of Psychology

Pratyusha Govindaraju, Center for Social and Behaviour Change

Nymphea Noronha, Center for Social and Behaviour Change

Vrinda Chopra, Center for Writing and Communication                             

Swati Shresth, Center for Social Impact and Philanthropy                                            

Kalyan Sekhar Chakraborty, Department of History & Center for  Interdisciplinary Archeological Research

Arunima Theraja, Center for Gender and Sexuality

Sayantani Mukherjee, Department of History & Center for China Studies

Manvi Sharma, Department of Environmental Studies

External Members

Medical Expert

Shifalika Goenka, Head-Bioethics, Public Health Foundation of India, Head of Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, IIPHD

Legal Expert

Namita Wahi, Fellow at Centre for Policy Research